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Jonizicrey and The Jonizicreyan Union

Jonizicrey was made by the time lords and time ladies from Gallifrey that decided to leave to make a stronger, better, and more inclusive version of the society they have left. They made connections with societies in their galaxy. Gallifrey was not accepting of the Jonizicreyan Union as their own sovereignty and connections. The Jonizicreyan time lords and time ladies and the Gallifreyan tome lords and time ladies made a deal with the help of Torchwood and circle cascade institute as the negotiators. After the meetings and disclosing all of their organizations to one another then finally they settled everything the All.Time.And.Space.Intervention.Agency and Gallifrey for everyone in the Jonizicrryan Union and on Jonizicrey the Celestial.Intervention.Agency and Division.