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Doctor Who: The Jyrec's

The Rani had left Gallifrey near the end of the time war suddenly she had an idea cybermen and Daleks separate as two different species thinking about that she began an experiment splicing Dalek and Cybermen technology and Skaro DNA and Mondasian DNA and a little Time Lord technology. Seeing it be a success she prepped a planet for the creation.of these new specimens on the planet Zyroc. Once all had been done with this she named them Jyrec's. Her creation had been her downfall as they had shot her. She then took off in her tardis and regenerated making a call to someone she was  estranged to her first husband the doctor. Heading her call the doctor came to help. The Doctor sees The Rani and tells her what she has done. The Doctor said," Now, I think with this experiment Rani you've gone too far, and now your experiment these Jyrec's are out thinking you, Gallifrey alone can't help we'll need to get Jonizicrey involved they have someone I have heard about my th...